Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hey everyone, it's the 31st, that means this is the final update for March! I can officially proclaim this marks my 3rd month in a row that I've done a digital painting each day, and uploaded that painting with a critique to this blog! That's pretty exciting, this is the most art I've ever produced, and I'm really happy with almost all of it to boot! Just like last month, I'll be pulling 10 pieces to review, then the post will end with my last painting for the month. Let's get started!

This one's on the bottom of the list because it was a bit rushed, there are also quite a few issues with scale here. It's not really bad on its own, but it's a poor replication of the source material. 

I really liked this one at first, then I showed it to one of my art professors and she said that due to the height of his eyes he looked like an ape. Now all I see is ape-face, bottom of the list it is!

This one's at this place on the list because everything's a bit stretched, it's all just a little too wide. To be fair the perspective in the original image is really strange, and all that the artist rendered really only sank in after a few viewings (once I finished that is). Gotta analyze the work before I work from it!

This one's here because it's so damn boring, really boring, so boring. It's not badly rendered, I stayed true to the original painting (which was boring), but it's just kind of unfortunate looking.

I enjoyed working on this one a lot, and it was kind of tough, but I'm mostly happy with the end result. I had a few issues with resolving the shapes of the trees in the background though, and the color of the shrubs in the bottom right is a bit off. It's alright otherwise.

I very much wanted this one to be higher on the list, because I'm really proud of it, and then I looked at it again. The jawline of the figure in the background is completely wrong, it's angled too sharply upward. Now that's all I can see, bummer. The rest of it's really good though!

I wasn't going to place this one so high on the list, but I feel like there's one feature that really stands out, so that's why it's here. I really think the sky is so beautiful, on top of that I learned a lot painting it. It's definitely a technique I'll be using again!

I'm really happy with the way this guy turned out! The composition's really simple, there aren't really any crazy techniques here used by the original artist, but I just love this image. I also painted a smile on his face, the original painting really left his expression to the imagination, so maybe that's why I'm so partial to this one.

It was crazy difficult placing these last two, I honestly feel like they're both tied for the top spot, so let's just say the numbers at this point are here for organizational purposes only. I love this image, it's so beautiful. The grass, the flowers, the color, the color is spectacular! Of course I can't take credit for that because it's not my own work, but I'm really pleased with how I interpreted it. This one's just awesome.

I feel like I put this one at the top because I've got a soft spot for the progress gif I made. It's so neat to see something like this come together. From a bunch of random color placed on the page this emerged, and I think that's fantastic. It's so easy to focus on the end result of artwork, and something non-artists don't see is the process. That has been a really fun thing to share here, and it's honestly the best part of creating art.

Alright, now that we're done with our recap, it's time to see how the final second chance of the month turned out!

Here's the piece I reworked today.

"El Jaleo" - John Singer Sargent

This one needed another try. I believe I mentioned that at the end of my original post. I just wasn't happy with how it turned out. There was no detail in the background, everything was too big, it just wasn't great. Let's see how it looks now.

Much better! It's still not perfect, but I think it's a vast improvement over my original attempt. I wish I could have gotten the angle of the dancer's head right, it's still not quite where it should be. I feel like this is going to be a piece I come back to so that I can try and learn from it again and again.

Here's a gif comparing the original and my two attempts.

Ahh, much better!

Thanks for reading through this super long post, and thanks for viewing my blog for the past 3 months, it means a lot!

Check back tomorrow for a new piece and brand new theme! See you then!

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