Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hey everyone, time for another update!

Here's the image for today.

John Singer Sargent - "The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit"

This piece is absolutely fantastic, it's much tighter and less experimental than "Rosina," the image I worked from yesterday. These four little girls look alive, as if they're waiting behind the screen, becoming you to come through. The image has this really great contrast shift, the bottom left's bright, and the top right's dark. It's like there's this diagonal gradient from white to black that evenly divides on part of the image from the other. Another interesting thing is the grouping of the girls, they all fit in a little box, if you will, and the whites of their clothes pop out perfectly against the background. Every part of this image has a relationship to every other part, it's really marvelous. Let's see how I did.

The girls in the background are a little too tall, the girl on the rug isn't quite in the right spot, and the angle of the screen next to the large urn on the right is way off. That might sound scathing, but I'm not upset about it. Seeing things like this tell me I'm improving my ability to analyze my work, and the work of other artists, and that's what this whole things about. So it's cause for celebration! I should work harder on getting the next one right though. 

Anyway, choosy moms choose gif.

That's all for today, check back again tomorrow for another update!

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