Monday, March 9, 2015

Hey everyone, here's today's update!

This is what I worked from today.

Pierre Bonnard - "In Summer"

This one's really interesting, the colors are absolutely brilliant, and immensely varied. There's also a very unusual use of perspective here, it's almost like this scene is composed of may different images all stitched together. It reminds me a lot of a picture taken with a super-wide lens, you can take a lot in, but there's a ton of distortion that occurs because of this. I think it was used to a really neat effect in this painting, though it added a bit of extra difficulty for me when reproducing it! Alright, let's see how I did.

I'm not super happy with it, but I think it's okay. There were a few things that tripped me up in the image, and I think that was rooted in the strange perspective, but let's go over it.  Right away I can see the grouping of trees next to the woman in the very dark colored dress is a little too wide, and a little too short. That red strip in the middle looks like some kind of walkway through what I assume is a garden, but the way I rendered it is too fat to look like it actually extends into the back of the picture. When I do these posts the images are quite small, and seeing them that way helps me to get a better look at the overall composition. I know I said this week would be all about color, but composition can't be forgotten about completely otherwise what I'm doing won't look anything like what I'm working from. I think I'm going to take the time on my next piece to look at the reference image as a small thumbnail, that way I can pick out the important parts of the composition and get those right. Well that was a rather long digression, anyway, almost everything else looks alright. The mountains on the horizon are a bit low, and there really isn't enough color in the middle ground, but I wouldn't say this one's a complete failure. There really is a lot of learning that can be done from your mistakes, and I think I learned a lot doing this piece!

That's all for today. Check back tomorrow for another update!

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