Saturday, March 28, 2015

Hey everyone, here's something new!

This is the piece I worked from today.

Georges Seurat - "Gardener"

I picked this painting for today because I haven't really done too much in the way of painting people since the start of the month, so I wanted to get back to that. I really like the look of this piece because it that's just so real. The stance of the figure, the way his weight is distributed, the subtle gesture in his hands, it all works to create a really striking image. So, let's see how I did!

This one turned out pretty nicely, I don't think I got the hand holding the gardening tool quite right, but I'm happy with almost everything else. The color isn't exactly correct, my version's a bit greener than the other, but I think it's still quite pleasing. Nothing too challenging here in the way of composition, but I still had a good time working on it. I've got another .gif here so you can see how it all came together, check it out.

That's all for today! Check back tomorrow for something new!

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