Saturday, March 21, 2015

Hey there everyone! It's update time!

I wanted to finish the week off with a bang, not a whimper, so here's the painting I worked from tonight.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Black Hills with Cedar

I love this image, it's incredibly evocative, provocative, and wonderful. I don't think I ever really "got" Georgia's work until doing a study of this piece. If my brain wasn't so fried from working on this for the last few hours straight through I might have gone into that, but we're gonna leave it at "this is awesome," for tonight. Anyway, here's what I came up with!

I'm extremely satisfied with how this turned out. I've really got to say this is probably the most technically accurate study I've done yet. I really got into the technique of painting the way (I think) she did, and I honestly didn't want to stop. I kinda thought this was going to be something I'd end up only "finishing," but I really think it's about as done as it could be. The best part about it is that I stuck with it and worked through to the end! Hooray for breakthroughs! I learned a lot painting this, and it was fun to work on too!

That's it for this week! I spent so much time on this painting tonight that I don't really know what I'm gonna do tomorrow. I like to prep all of my references on Saturday nights, and that did not happen this evening. I'm going straight to bed after this. Oh well, it'll be a surprise, for all parties involved! Hope you enjoyed this one, check back again tomorrow for something new! 

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