Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hey everyone, update time!

This is the image I worked from today, check it out.

"Young Man in Reverie" - John Singer Sargent

This is another gorgeous painting, the contrast here is fantastic. It leads your eye right to the form of the man. Though the background is well rendered, you can really see that the focus rests squarely on the youth. So, let's see how I did.

Eh, it's okay. It's not great. I'd mark this as the worst of the week so far. Le't s break it down. Firstly, his face is pretty terrible. I think my problem in that regard was I painted this image at a really low resolution, so I couldn't get any detail in there. On the other side of that coin, I wanted to keep this one small because I felt like yesterday I rendered the image too much, and kinda lost the "study" part of this whole venture. Moving on from the face, the value of the shelf the vases are sitting on is much too dark, and the vases themselves are pretty slapdash. The wall-hanging in the background isn't terribly offensive, but it's not really well defined. In short, this one was hard!

Here's a little giffy gif.

(Yeah, it's not my best work. :/)

That's all for today, check back tomorrow for something new!

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