Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hey everyone, it's late, but it's time for another update!

Here's the piece I worked from today.

Georges Seurat - "River's Edge"

This image is pretty interesting because it almost looks like the artist divided the image into thirds vertically, and struck a line through the center with the horizon, breaking the image up into six almost equally sized squares. You can also tell he's very much infatuated with the "golden hour," as it's called, the time of day just as the sun starts setting. At that hour your surroundings are bathed in a beautiful golden light, it's a great time for photography, and painting too! Anyway, let's see how I did.

It looks to have come out rather nicely I think! I tried a little something different with my brush settings in Photoshop today, I think it lent a more painterly look to the image, though it's still not quite like what you'd get if this were actually painted with a brush. I'm satisfied with where everything is, though it looks like the shadow of the greenery on the water is angled slightly as it extends to the bottom of the piece. I don't think that's a huge problem though. I still managed to paint over my underpainting somehow, I wasn't too bad about that yesterday, but it's something I apparently need to be very diligent about!

That's all for tonight, check back again tomorrow for something new! 

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