Sunday, March 15, 2015

Hey everyone, sorry to keep you waiting! Here's tonight's update!

This is the image I worked from this evening.

Joseph Mallord William Turner - "Stormy Sea Breaking on a Shore"

This one's a bit of a departure from what I've done in the last couple of days, and that was exactly my intent. I wanted to move from something saturated and vibrant to something where the colors were more nuanced. Though there might appear to be a great many colors here, that's really not the case. The image is overwhelmingly a desaturated yellow orange, with a bit of dark green and burnt sienna. Let's see how I did.

I don't think this one came out so bad, I think mine's a bit more saturated then the original, but I'm doing this sort of thing to fix that. The painting didn't take too long, maybe about an hour and a half, picking the color was the hardest part actually. I'm gonna try to do a few more paintings like this as the week goes on, there might be a wildcard or two thrown in for fun, so make sure to check back tomorrow!

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