Sunday, January 24, 2016

Good morning Sweden!

I decided to take a break from my latest project and work on something a little bit different. Check it out!

It's a neat little forest scene with a figure in the foreground! I thought this might be good practice to help me capture scale better. I was noticing in my last digital painting that it's sort of difficult to discern the difference in size between the figure and ship in the background, they kinda appear to be on the same plane visually. Because of that I need to add in some extra elements that help separate the two. I included several trees in varying sizes in this image, and there's a line in the form of the stream that gets thinner as it goes into the background. These things work together to create a sense of distance. I'm gonna try to work more techniques like this into my other work in progress so it looks more realistic.

That's all for this post, check back tomorrow for something new!

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