Monday, January 25, 2016

The wire, you're down to it.

Hello, I come to you this evening late but not empty-handed! I honestly had no plan for today's post, luckily inspiration struck after a delightful nap. While I made a good bit of progress on the preliminary work for this piece earlier, and had plenty of time to complete it sooner; I didn't! But the most important thing is I finished before my self-imposed deadline, hooray! Now, let's get to what it I actually finished. Take a look!

So this is rather different! That's not a bad thing though! I kind of thought while I was sketching that this was piece was going to end up scrapped, but I actually like it. The colors are interesting, I think the composition's nice, and it's actually finished looking! There are some flaws of course, like the clouds not really looking quite right, and the overall light in the scene being off. Fixing things like that will come with time and practice though, so I'm not too worried.

Well I hope you enjoyed this update, don't forget to check back tomorrow for something new!

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