Sunday, January 17, 2016

Different Strokes

Last night I mentioned that I'd probably be working on developing the characters I sketched and shared in that post, so that's exactly what I did!

The first one I focused my attention on was this guy.

He might seem a bit strange, but I thought there was some potential there. I liked his up-turned face and bird-like neck, so I tried to keep those features prominent in my redesign. Check it out.

This is, and I'm being kind, a little underwhelming. I started by drawing a silhouette to try and figure out how the rest of the character's body would look. Thinking it was shaping up to be pretty cool I then began rendering detail. Once I got to this point though, I realized it just wasn't working out. The design was too generic, the pose too static, and the composition wasn't interesting either. On top of all of that I didn't really take note of the design motif that was most important in the original drawing, the character's angular chin. I wanted this guy to look a bit fearsome, and the rounded features of the above drawing weren't conveying that message. Because of that fact I decided to start again, and this is what I came up with.

Now that's what I was looking for! There's a dynamism to the character's pose, which was missing from my first attempt, and the design is much more interesting. And although it's not really detailed at all, you can glean a lot of information from his shape and posture. I keep being reminded of the need to convey a story in what I create, and I keep seeing how much doing so creates better work.

That's all for this post! I'm gonna try to work on this guy a bit more tomorrow so look forward to that then!

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