Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

Wow, I almost can't believe it. This time last year I sat in this exact spot and decided to commit more time and effort to my art than I ever had before. I promised myself that I would post one piece of art on this blog every day for a year, and I did just that. It's a pretty amazing feeling, and because I've made so much progress I definitely think this is something I'll continue to do!

I know I mentioned yesterday I'd have the finished product for you to see, but it's not quite ready yet! I'm trying to use what I've learned in this last year to make something really special, so this piece is gonna take a bit more time to polish. I do have another teaser for you today though, so here it is!

This is kind of turning into a puzzle, isn't it? Haha! I've still got quite a bit more work to do, but I know that when it's done this will be a reveal with some impact!

Before I wrap up I just want to thank with everyone that stuck with me on this journey last year and supported me by viewing this blog. When I pull up my blogger account to start a new post I always check the views I got from the day prior. It's incredibly encouraging to see your support quantified before my eyes, because that means I'm creating things that people want to see, and that's so cool to me! I'm really excited to embark on a new year creating new content, I hope that you'll be with me every step of the way!

That's all for this post, check back tomorrow for more!

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