Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for a new post!

The next few pieces I'll be uploading will be an interlude of sorts. The task I have ahead of me now is to work from references and do some studies of plants. Though I could find plenty of reference online, I think it would be much more fun to go out and shoot my own. Since I won't have an opportunity to do this until the weekend, I'll be posting a few sketches here instead. They won't directly be related to what I've been doing, but I'm gonna try to point out what differences I see in my work since I've started all of these exercises. Now that I got that out of the way, here's what I've got for you this evening!

This started out as a quick scribble, as most of the things I draw do, and I think it turned into something pretty cool. My goal was to use contour lines, like the ones I've been drawing this month, to really show the curvature of the forms in the image. I feel like I was pretty successful in that. Everything's got a  nice bit of depth too it, which is thanks in no small part to the shading I did with marker, but in a very subtle way those lines curving around the forms really push that idea of this being a three dimensional figure.

That's all for this post, don't forget to check back tomorrow for something new!

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