Friday, December 18, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for a new post!

I've got a couple things to share with you tonight, check 'em out!

First I did a little bit more detail work on the face of my character, here's how it looks.

It's kind of subtle, but I basically softened his features a bit, and added in a little more detail. For comparison I updated the gif I did yesterday.

After that was done I did a quick little sketch to figure out my character's proportions.

I wanted him to be dressed a bit like a knight, but I don't think he'll end up in quite that much armor. My initial idea for the finished drawing was to show the character and his mount resting together, but I decided that idea wasn't too interesting, so that's how I came up with this!

I'm kinda loving this! You can see the personality of both characters in this image, there's action and movement, and it looks fun! Now that I've got this sketch done, I'll be fleshing out all of the forms a little more, correcting any anatomical errors, then putting it all together with color and lighting!

That's all for this post, check back tomorrow for something new!

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