Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hey there everyone! This is the last update for January 2015! I posted one new piece of artwork each day this month and I'm incredibly happy I'll be continuing that streak into February. Before I get ahead of myself, let's take a look at some of the best and the worst of the month, and we'll end with the piece I just completed.

The following are presented in ascending order, from not so great (bad), to really awesome. Here we go!

This one's not so great, it's kinda the worst. I suppose I shouldn't say "kinda" 'cause it is the worst. I rushed, didn't use my time wisely, and couldn't really focus on the task at hand. Surprisingly this was done on 1/7, not 1/1, so I'm sort of proud my first one wasn't the most bad. This leads us to number 9 on the list.

Speaking of the first day's drawing, here it is! I think the effort was admirable, but the execution is poor. There's really not a whole lot of depth in the image, it's all pretty flat. On top of that the colors are really desaturated. It has more detail than number 10 though, so that's why it deserves the spot above.

This one's not so bad, there's just something about it I don't like. I think it's probably the strange angle all of the trees appear to be leaning at, and the lack of contrast in the mountains on the left. I think the foreground's pretty successful, along with the grassy patch leading back in the distance, but that's about it.

It might seem I'm grading this one a little harshly, but I feel like I dropped the ball here. It's alright, but I didn't really take the time to define any of the forms really well and I think that just created a flatness that displeased me. Not the kind of work I wanted to be producing at the end of the month, these were supposed to be getting better! It's still okay though.

I was super excited to work on this piece when I found the photo online. I think my main complaint with this image is the foreground detail (or lack there of). I got super tired of painting trees, which is really lazy of me, and that's why I'm unhappy with it. Seriously though, painting a billion trees is terrible, it was kinda like Chinese water-torture. I messed with the brush settings in Photoshop to help stop the madness. Points deducted for sloth. The mid and background are nice though.

I just really like this one for some reason, I thought the photo was really beautiful. I think my favorite part of the image is the highlight on the mountainside, it really gives a great sens of dimension to the image. The clouds rolling over the mountain are pretty cool looking too. This one also gets points for making me do a double-take when I see it beside the original image. It's pretty accurate!

This one was super cool because it's a really great illustration of atmospheric perspective. Hues become more blue as they fade into the distance, and there's this really nice rainbow effect the image has because there's so much land in it. I'm really happy with the way the rocks in the foreground turned out, along with the foreground detail in general. I also really like how the sky turned out. I exaggerated the brushstrokes used there to add a little more interest.

I think this piece is successful because there's this really great point of contrast right in the center of the image. There's this bright green space that draws you into the center and then you can almost walk around the rest of the image. I'm also really happy with the way the rock formation turned out. It's not perfect, but I learned a lot about defining those shapes while doing it.

This one was really great because I was working from an image that was just awesome. There's a great amount of contrast, the aurora in the sky is gorgeous, and the colors are fantastic together. This and the next piece were the ones I spent the most time on. I was so drawn to their subject matter I just couldn't let myself finish until it felt right.

 Here we are, finally we've arrived at my number 1 pick! This is absolutely (and obviously) my favorite of the bunch. I was initially disappointed with how it looked, I felt like while I was working on it that the outlook was kind of grim. That all changed once I put the finishing touches on it. The golden explosion in the background that is the sun setting was absolutely spectacular in the photo, and I think I did a great job of capturing the light there. The clouds to the right of the sun are really great too, they do a good job of leading the viewer right to that yellow light. I'm also really happy with the cliffs and how they fade off into the distance in a really natural way, the reflections painted below them add to the sense of depth well. Lastly, this image has my favorite foreground detail. I didn't rush or fudge it, I took the time to render it until it was right. That's why this piece made the top spot.

Now, without further ado, here's the last new image for the month!

This image was pretty spectacular, when I saw it I knew I had to use it. I believe I tried painting this one originally on the 26th, I just couldn't get it right so I set it aside. I knew this is what I wanted to end the month with after that, and I'm really happy that I did. I struggled a bit with this one because the perspective's a bit crazy. This must have been shot with a wide angle lens to fit all of that stuff in there, so it was difficult laying everything out. In the end it was totally worth it, I'm really happy to end the month on a high note like this. Here's the original photo below.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used for the study above.

I want to thank everyone for viewing what I've done this year so far. All the comments and likes on Facebook have been a huge boost to my confidence. That's something I've always lacked in my art, a belief in what I was doing, so thank you to everyone that helped me find it.

Tomorrow's a new month, so that means a new theme! Check back to see what that will be on February 1st.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for today's update!

Today's piece was a lot different from the ones I've done in the past, the reference photo was taken in a plane. I didn't quite nail the detail of the mountains on the right, nor the coloration of the ones in the background, but I'm really happy with where all the elements are in the image. Here's the original for reference.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a photo reference for the study above.

That's all for today, don't miss tomorrow's update! It's gonna be impressive (hopefully)! I'll also be reviewing my best and worst of the month too. Look out for it in the evening, see you then!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for today's update!

This isn't a trend, I promise, tonight's piece was a little rushed. Everything's where it should be, which is good, but there isn't a whole lot of detail (that's not so good). Tomorrow I'll make sure to allocate more time to working on my image that way it comes out looking good (and not hurried). Anyway, here's the original for reference!

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, check back tomorrow for another update.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hey everyone! It's time for today's update.

I will fully own the fact that today's piece was a little bit (read a lot) of a rush-job, that doesn't mean I don't like it however! I used a different brush this time around, one that I created in Photoshop, and I think that it did something kinda cool. I wasn't able to achieve the level of detail the photograph possesses, but the texture created by the brush turned out really cool! Everything's (mostly) where it should be, except the waterfall I painted is a bit droopy and sad. I think I'll come back to this another time and give it another go. Here's the original for reference.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, check back tomorrow for another update!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for today's update!

Today's piece was a lot of fun to work on. I think I really nailed the perspective which I'm very happy about, I've tried drawing from photos taken with wide angle lenses - until now it hasn't worked out well. I think I also succeeded in rendering the rock formation in the small stream well, which is something I've been having problems with. Check out the original below to compare.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, check back tomorrow for a new update!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for today's update!

This one took a long time to complete, it was finished in a little over two and a half hours. The sky's not quite right, and the foreground's a little more stylized than I'd like it to be, but it's pretty good overall. The placement of all the parts is pretty correct, so I'm happy with that at least. Here's the original for comparison.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, I'll have another piece uploaded tomorrow!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for today's update! Have a look.

I'm incredibly happy with the way this one turned out, I think this one's my most successful painting yet. Full disclosure, this one probably took about two hours (so I wasn't done as quickly as I would have liked), but the end result was worth the time invested. My favorite part is definitely the sky, painting that bright yellow burst of light from the setting sun was really fun. I'm also pretty happy with the foreground too (something I wasn't to satisfied with in yesterday's piece). Check out the original for comparison.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, stop by again tomorrow for another update!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for today's update! Check it out.

Today's piece took around an hour and ten minutes to finish, I know one thing's for sure tomorrow, I'm not painting any more trees. It's so time consuming! I tried to make them as good as I could but I kinda felt like my hand was gonna shrivel up and fall off so I needed to stop. Aside from the foliage issue, the toughest part was painting the mountains in the background. I originally started off by painting the wrong color, so I had to go back and do it twice. I'm pretty happy with this piece overall, it was a bit intense for a Saturday evening, but it came out nicely. Here's the original photo for reference.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, I hope you guys liked this one. See you tomorrow!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for today's update! This one's kinda special in that the image used was something an artist I really like posted on Reddit. His name's Noah Bradley, you can check out his stuff by clicking on his name, I included a link to his site there. Anyway, let's take a look at what I painted!

I feel like if I came across this image at the beginning of the month I might have been too intimidated by it's complexity to tackle it, but with a few of these paintings under my belt I felt a lot better about giving this a shot. I started off this one just as I have all the others, the outline was sketched on my background layer, then I colored the image from back to front. I did two detail passes to add in all of the tonal variations needed to convey the shape of the landscape, then once that was done I flipped it, blurred it, and painted in the reflection. The whole process took about an hour ten minutes. I'm really happy with the way this piece turned out. Here's the original for comparison.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, I hope you guys enjoyed this post. Check back again tomorrow for a new digital painting!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for today's update! Check it out.

Today's piece was a lot of fun. This one was completed in around 37 minutes. I kinda went a little crazy stylistically, it's a lot looser than my last couple of paintings, but I'm okay with that. The sky's a bit bolder than how it appears in the photo, and the colors are a little less saturated, I like it though! Here's the original for comparison.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, check back tomorrow for a new post.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hey everyone, time for today's update, have a look!

This was a pretty challenging painting, it was definitely a rewarding experience though. This might be something I'd like to come back to at a later time and clean up a bit more. This took me a little over an hour (mostly due to some nasty Photoshop errors, that was not fun). I'm still following the method I've been using, working from back to front, then doing several passes to add in detail. Seems to be working pretty well. Have a look at the original image.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, come back again tomorrow for another update!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hey everyone, time for today's update, check it out!

So yesterday almost everything was blue, today we've got shades of purple and yellow. This one was pretty fun, I like all of the movement in the clouds and the lines in the rock below. There's a nice contrast between soft and hard. Speaking of contrast, I think my Image is lacking in it just a little bit, but overall I'm pleased with how it came out. Here's the original below.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, come back again tomorrow for another update. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Hey everyone, time for today's update. Have a look!

Today's subject was the Matterhorn in the Pennine Alps. I tried to have fun with this one, I was most concerned with the outline being right and just kind of experimenting with the color. There's really much more blue in the photo than in this painting, but for some reason I couldn't wrap my head around painting the snow on the shadowed side of the mountain blue, so gray was what I used. I "washed" a little blue in at the end to make it look a little more true to life. Here's the original below.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, check back again tomorrow for another update.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for today's update! Check it out!

This one was a lot of fun. I tried to do something different today and I think it really helped. I mentioned in previous posts that I was working back to front to finish the piece but this time around I did it in several passes. I started first with simply laying down basic color from back to front through the image, then went over it three times to add in additional detail. I feel like it helped me to work more quickly and that helps when painting something like this, when you just work painstakingly slow on one part it becomes a joyless slog. This kept it fun throughout, which is always a good thing. The color's probably what I'm most proud of in this piece, it's a really great illustration of how atmospheric perspective effects color. Here's the original for comparison.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, check back tomorrow for another update! Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Hey everyone! Here's today's update!

I took my time again on today's piece, luckily in the past few days I've had extra time to take! This one was done in just about an hour, have a look!

I really enjoyed painting in all of the detail in the sand dune in the background, that was probably the most fun part of this piece. The tree gave me a little trouble because it was a lot of detail to squeeze into a small space. Looking at this with the original image below it I realize I should have pushed the contrast in the foreground just a little bit more, but I'm really happy with the overall placement of the elements in the scene so that's a plus! Here's the original for comparison.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, check back again tomorrow for another update!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Hey there everyone! Here's today's update.

I decided to take a little more time on today's piece because this particular picture was extremely beautiful, there was no way I was going to do it justice in half an hour. Have a look.

This has probably been my favorite piece to paint so far, I took my time and really enjoyed the experience. This one clocks in at just under an hour. Here's the original for comparison.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

Well that's all for today, see you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hey there everyone! Here's today's update!

Like yesterday's, this one was a bit tough too. Take a look.

There's a lot of stuff going on, I actually had to redraw my outline sketch because I didn't get it quite right the first time. I went over my time limit by about 15 minutes today. I'm kinda happy with the end result. The horizon's a little too high, and some of the elements aren't in the right place (mostly in the foreground), but I'm happy I got it finished and have kept my streak going! Tomorrow I've got to focus more on getting all of the forms where they're supposed to be, and rendering everything accurately. I think this piece suffered from way too much guess-work on my part. Anyway, here's the original for comparison.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, see you again tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hey there everyone! Here's today's update!

Today's image is courtesy of a friend as well, have a look.

This one was kinda hard, and I definitely went over my goal of 30:00 minutes (by 17:39), but I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. I've got a couple of issues with position and scale, the shoreline on the image appears a bit rounder. The rock nearest to the viewer should be pushed back a bit and the rocks in the background should be a bit smaller, but overall I'm really happy with this. There was a lot of neat color to paint, and laying out the image was pretty fun. Here's the original for comparison.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, see you again tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hey there everyone! Here's today's update!

A friend of mine sent along a link to a photo that I had to use for today's painting. This is what I came up with.

 Got this one done in 30 minutes, super happy with how it turned out. Looking at it here the slope of the most illuminated hill's a little steeper in my version, but the rest of it turned out great. I could have added a bit more contrast in the grass, but I ran out of time. Here's the original for comparison.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, see you here again tomorrow!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Hey there everyone! Here's today's update.

I found this image online and decided it'd be perfect for today's painting, have a look.

This one was really fun to do, it's not a terribly complicated landscape so that left me with a lot of time to spend on getting those colors right. I must confess I spent about 25 of my 29:59 minutes painting in the trees, then the last 4 copying and flipping the image and applying a blur filter. I cheated a little there (since I really want to hand paint everything in these), but I don't think it was too bad. Here's the original for comparison.

I claim no ownership of this image, it was used as a reference for the study above.

That's all for today, see you here again tomorrow!