Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for a new post!

So did you know that there's a type of mushroom known colloquially as "bleeding tooth fungus?" Well now you do, and here's what it looks like!

Luckily it's in grey-scale, so it looks a lot less graphic, but these things do look eerily like bleeding teeth. Or maybe marshmallows speckled with strawberry jam, either way, I'm really happy with the way these turned out! On the left is what a young specimen of this particular species looks like, and on the right is a mature version, the older mushroom lacks the younger's gory appearance however. Like last night I didn't really have too much trouble rendering this guy, it did take me a moment to figure out how I wanted to describe the surface detail, but I figured that out rather quick. I was mostly just afraid of stippling, because it can be extremely tedious, but I actually had some fun with it!

This'll mark the fifth plant study I've done, my goal was to do eight, but I might do more 'cause I'm kinda enjoying these. That's all for tonight, check back tomorrow for something new!

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