Thursday, November 26, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for a new post!

It's Thanksgiving today so between travelling, seeing family, and eating, I didn't get a whole lot of time to paint. I do have a little sketch to share with you though, take a look!

This was just a little something I scribbled in Photoshop while trying to make some progress on other projects. It's nice to have a distraction when you're working on just one thing for a long time! I think this is a pretty neat concept, I really like the character's face. He looks a bit like a rabbit, but instead of long ears I was thinking the protrusions coming from his head would be more like horns. It'd be kinda cool to flip the whole predator/prey dynamic on it's head and turn a bunny into a hunter! I guess that's something for another day though.

That's all for this post, check back tomorrow for something new! 

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