Thursday, February 5, 2015

Hey there everyone, here's today's (not so late) self portrait!

So I'm not quite sure how to describe this one, how about 'catalog model does high-fashion with a beard?' No? Too long? Anyway, here's what I did.

Pretty happy with this one. It came out damn good I think. Again I seem to not have the contrast quite right, the nose looks a bit flat to me because of this, but I'm happy with the piece overall. There's a little bit of extraneous (and slightly misplaced) sternocleidomastoid action happening there, but I'm cool with that too.

I was really worried that these would end up being absolutely terrible, and that I'd be filled with shame and fear when posting them, but I rather like how they're all turning out. I think the drawing class I'm currently taking in school has really helped me to see and draw, not just draw what I think I see.

Well, that's all for tonight. Check back tomorrow for another update!

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