Friday, February 13, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for today's update! I'm kinda kicking myself I didn't post this sooner, it was done at 11 am, I just didn't have time to upload it. Anyway, here we go!

Alrighty, here's the photo. Let's see how I did.

Not too bad considering I did this one in less than half the time it took me to finish yesterday's piece. I think I was a little fed up with working on Wednesday's self portrait, and that's why it turned out so poorly. My drawing professor opened a small show of her work in a gallery on campus last evening and I attended to show my support and to see her stuff. I spoke with her a bit about her process and the pieces she had up, and it kinda helped me to look at this 'drawing a day'task in a different way. I think the lesson I learned here was to make sure I have fun with these. Yes they are studies, and yes I'm trying to learn, but I want them to be enjoyable too.

Make sure to check back tomorrow for another post, see you then!

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