Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sthrowback Sunday

I've started a lot of cool pieces this year, but I haven't actually finished any but one. In light of that fact I decided to work a little more on something I've shared here previously, check it out!

I posted the beginnings of this back on January 20th, but I haven't gotten to work on it since. I think it's turning out really nicely! I wanted the robot to look a little goofy, and I think his face matches that description nicely, haha! I was also able to add a little more detail into the foreground, background, and sky. One finishing touch I added was to brighten the image up overall through a levels adjustment layer in Photoshop. I did this because while the original image looked nice on my computer monitor, I viewed it on another computer screen and found it to be a bit too dark. Making that adjustment also added a little more contrast into the image, which is always a good thing!

That's all for this post, check back tomorrow for something new!

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