Friday, February 5, 2016

And Now for Something Completely Different

I've been kind of all over the map stylistically this month, and it's only the fifth! I suppose that's not a bad thing though. I did a doodle at work today that turned into something really cool, so I decided to finish it up in Photoshop. Check it out!

It's a little strange, I know, but I think it's pretty awesome! I didn't have a whole lot of time to work on it, but I'm mostly happy with how it came out. The majority of the image's visual punch comes from the sampled textures overlaid on top of my paint-work. And that's something I'm not super excited about, obvious photo-textures are a digital-art pet peeve of mine. At the very least the textures I used were taken by me, so that's good I guess. Hooray for not violating the intellectual property of other artists! Another nitpick I have is with the character, he's a pretty cool looking dude, but he's a little to dark in value to be appreciated. So that's something to work on another time. This is another cool character I'd like to revisit, so keep your eyes peeled for him again!

That's all for this post, check back tomorrow for something new!

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