Monday, June 1, 2015

Hey everyone, it's the first post of a new month so that means it's time for a new theme.

The last two months were mostly black and white, and while that makes for quick work for me, it's not so interesting for everyone viewing this blog. That's why this month is going to be all about color! For the first week I'll be doing some studies using the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. After that I'll be doing some drawings using complimentary color, and analogs color schemes.

It's all gonna be a little basic, and it might look a bit amateur, but this sort of thing is super important if you want to develop as an artist. I've always been bad at practicing the basics, and I think that has hindered me for too long, so I'm putting this stuff out there for the world to see. Guess the pressure's on me to do well, here goes!

Each day this week I'll be coloring in the following template I made, and using light sources within it to illuminate these shapes which will be rendered in different colors.

Now that you've seen that, here's what I did today!

Today's color was, as I'm sure you can probably tell, red! I tried to render a nice range of values within the shapes, and stayed true to my (limited) knowledge of lighting to make them look somewhat realistic. After all, color is reflected light, in its absence you wouldn't be able to see anything at all! For the sake of keeping things simple, the color of light (because that matters too) in these images will always be white, I'm gonna save that whole 'mixing hues' thing for later.

That's all for today, thanks for stopping by. I wonder what color I'll pick tomorrow? There are only two primary colors left, so you've got a 50/50 chance of guessing and being right! Check back to find out if you were!

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