Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for a new post!

We last left off with a pretty rough blocking-in of a tulip, but thanks to a lot of hard work this morning (and this evening), I got it finished. What do you think?

This is honestly one of the most beautiful things I think I've ever painted, haha! I really love it. The thumbnail image almost looks like a photo, but it's all done by hand! I really tried to pay attention to the curvature of the petals and paint them so that they appeared to have volume. I also didn't want to forget about the slightly speckled texture of the leaf behind the flower, so I made sure that got a good amount of attention too. I really feel like this image leaps off the screen, it was a ton of fun to paint and I'm extremely pleased with the result. Below is the original painting I did on my 3DS for comparison.

Uh, wow, I'd say that's a rather dramatic difference. I know I painted the image at the top in Photoshop, so it should innately look better for that reason, but I definitely think the majority of why this latest version is better is thanks to me being able to better analyze what I'm drawing from. Instead of simply using my eyes, I used my brain a lot too, and that's always a good thing to do!

Now, for funsies, a progress gif. Enjoy!

That's all for tonight! Check back tomorrow for something new!

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