Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hey everyone! It's a new month so there's a new theme. Since February's a short month, and I'm not a (complete) narcissist, I've decided to paint myself! That's right, all self portraits, all month. I'll be sick of my own face in no time! Just kidding (mostly).

This time around I'll be posting the photo references first, and my version next. Well, here we go!

This one's a pretty straightforward head-shot. I'm starting out with something easy because the last time I did this I was 13, I've had no actual practice in this since then. Let's see how I did  below.

As a first try I don't think it's too bad. I didn't concern myself with rendering the background of the image, which is sort of bugging me now that I'm looking at both of these together.My expression isn't quite the same as the photo, it looks like I arched my right eyebrow a bit more than it actually was. Overall I think it's okay, hopefully there will be some improvement over the course of this month.

I plan on taking a bunch of myself tomorrow, one for every day remaining in the month, and then using those as my references. I'll try to vary my expression and possibly the camera angle to make some more challenging and interesting pictures.

Don't forget to stop by tomorrow to check out my next post!

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