Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I've been working hard on a quite a few new projects and I'd like to share part of one with you right now! Here's a look at a concept sketch I did for a character that will be featured in a new digital painting I'm working on.

He's a creepy ghoul that's causing some trouble in a graveyard with some of his kin and it's about time for him and his friends to be put back in the ground. I'll be sharing another character that will be joining this fellow, though I doubt they'll be on good terms after introductions are made (there might be a broadsword involved), but I'm saving that for my next post. Look forward to the finished piece sometime soon too! Once the final painting this guy will be featured in is completed I'll be posting the painted version of this concept along with some other details about the process. More on that next week! Till then, later.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Alright! So here's the sketch I said I'd be working on in last week. Take a good look one more time.

After quite a few hours in Photoshop while listening to a whole bunch of music this is the end result...

I'm super pleased with the way it turned out, the color, the clouds, the waterfall, it all works beautifully together. I think the greatest thing about this piece was how much I learned while doing it. My number one takeaway is probably that it's so important to layer your color. There are so many different shades on top of each other in this piece, blue-grays, purple-grays, green-grays, and they all blend together to form something that looks (hopefully) somewhat realistic. I'd say my only minus here is probably the large leaf like structures, I was initially going for something with a bit more of a scifi look, but it ended up coming out a little more traditionally pretty, and that kinda rendered those leaves a little out of place. Oh well, I'll plan better next time I suppose. Thanks for checking this out, I hope it was worth the wait!