Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hey everyone, it's time for a new post!

I took a little break from my last painting to work on something different, I just felt like I wanted to doodle tonight so that's what I did, check it out!

After some random scribbling I came up with what looks like a robot ballerina with some kind of floral motif. Which might seem kind of odd but it's totally within my wheelhouse. I don't really like the sketch so much, mostly because the face is a bit underdeveloped, but I think it's a cool concept. I really want to start fleshing out the things I draw that are like this, cool ideas that need a little extra love, but I never seem to get around to it. That's something I really need to fix.

I think I've neglected my last piece a bit because I've been channeling most of my creative energy elsewhere, I should be back to my most recent "assignment" sometime soon. I do plan on sharing the piece that has been occupying most of my attention lately here when it's finished, so look out for that in the future!

That's all for this post, check back tomorrow for something new!

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