Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hey everyone, time for a new post! I've got another school project to share with you all this time around. This one was pretty neat because it was my first time using Adobe Illustrator to create a finished design. I've always worked in Photoshop since it's what I know and am comfortable with, but it was nice to learn some new things in a different program. I think I'll be using Illustrator a lot more after this!

For this project we were tasked with creating a pattern demonstrating the Bezold effect. This describes an optical illusion that occurs when a color appears different depending on it's relation to adjacent colors. First we had to create a pattern in Illustrator, duplicate that pattern, then change one color in the duplicated pattern to demonstrate the Bezold effect. The two patterns are then displayed on an image together to highlight the difference that change made. We're being graded on our use of color, weight, balance, and how we showcase positive and negative space in the image.

So now, onto the designs! This is the pattern I came up with.

I was inspired by African textiles and bead work, The patterns in those designs are very interesting, and their use of color really highlights that. The colors that I started with were fairly neutral, dark taupe, taupe, white, and black. I used the two shades of taupe in the alternating triangles atop the black and white columns to help showcase the contrast between black and white. I felt like it was a little more visually interesting than just using grey. Finally I added a pop of color to the bottom of the design with some analogous colors, red, orange, and a golden yellow. They really pop out against the darker background which was exactly what I wanted to see.

After getting the first pattern together it was time to alter one color to show how that would change the design. I decided since the colors I used in the original pattern were all warm analogous colors that it would be great to throw in a complimentary color to really set the pattern off. Here's what I came up with after the change.

You can really see how much a simple color swap affected the look of this pattern, the aqua leaps out against the dark taupe and the orange and really demonstrates the Bezold effect quite nicely. The first pattern, although intricate, seems a bit muted compared to the second with it's aqua and orange fighting for dominance. I'm really happy with the way this one turned out. Hopefully my professor is as well.

Working on projects like this has really helped me to think about my process in designing art, I feel like it's really helping me grow.

Well, that's all for this post. I'm gonna see if I can squeeze in one more update before the end of this month so keep on the look-out for more art! Thanks for stopping by!