Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hey there everyone! I can't believe April's almost over, I also can't believe I haven't updated in so long but I'm fixing that right now! There has been a ton of drawing, digital painting and 3-D modeling going on lately (most of which is for a big project I'm working on but more on that later).

Today I wanted to share a couple of quick sketches I did in this really neat program called Alchemy. I found out about it online and had to try it after I saw what it could do.

This was the first drawing I ever did with the program.It lets you really quickly establish a lot of mass in a drawing that you can then turn into recognizable forms, or in this case somewhat abstract ones.

Hopefully this one's a bit more recognizable, I wanted to create a futuristic city in the background of the image with some nice rolling hills in the front. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.

I'd really like to finish these in full color sometime soon but for right now they were a fun distraction from a really important project I'm working on. Look forward to more about that in my next post, thanks for stopping by!